How to boost your confidence

Self-confident people have tendency to see life in possitive light. Despite the fact I would love to tell you guys I am super self-confident and I see everything so possitive, it is not like that. What I am doing is pratice. Everyone need practice in some major. I practice my discipline as my confidence. This can be learned and mastered. I read a lot of articles about what you should do to be self-confident. And you know what? Most of them gave me headache. Reaction of my brain was: "Oh, that is so easy, but you are still piece of shit." So mostly I just felt bad. But there is some true about it. If you do not believe in yourself how can the others? I mean when I met person telling me how he/she is gonna achieve that or that, and I feel the enthusiasm. I do truly believe that person is going to achieve that. But on the other hand when I hear people to say I want that or that, but it is so hard, I cannot never do that. I am sorry to say that, but if you already give up it in your head, mostly probably you are not going to achieve that. And I feel sorry, and it makes me question myself. If I am good enough for my dreams.
What I am trying to say here is be possitive! Always believe in the best first. This point is most probably the hardest. Because for me I have tendency to believe in the worst, so I am not disappointed at the end. Try to evaluate your inner circle, try to surrond yourself with possitive people. Say yourself everymorning is going to be a good day.
Another point is may hard again. Try to change your body language. From saying no to saying yes. The magic of smile. That is the way how I call it. When someone look at you smile back. It makes people around you comfortable and you will feel better. Trust me!
Well lets move forvard. Never accept failing. Always try and try. It is not possible to achieve it this way? Try to find another solution, but try to do not give up. You can even ask people around how to do this or this. It is not shame to ask for help. The shame is to easily give up.
Always come prepare. I mean in important things. For exam? It is important for you? Than prepare as much as you could. Spend nights on it. Spend time with your friends on it. What ever it takes, just do not come not prepare and do not be disappointed after words when it goes wrong.
I already told you guys I like to be organized. So I do not miss any meeting, class or exam. In this way it will make you more confident (at least you will look) if you will have imagination about the things coming up. Also it will help you not fail. If you know something is coming you will prepare yourself and you will success, and then you will feel like a king!
So remember, be possitive, be in good mood, do not accept failing, be prepare and be organized. That is the way how to be confident.
Amanda Poetry


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