Hello everyone!
For the beginning I should say why I start with this blog. So easily because I want, sounds maybe weird, but it is as simply as it is. Last past year I was fight with myself, telling myself I really want to do that, but I never have enough courage to do that. So finally here we go. 
This blog is going to be focus on personal development. Also on how to organize yourself, I will add some travel hacks. I love travelling, it is one of my biggest passion. Also I will add few tips for your personal life, despite the fact my personal life is a mess. But I am still here, still happy, stil trying to appreciate everyday. The thing is so many friends of mine have a identity crises. They are unhappy wiht they university choice, partner choice, friends choice. All of it and even more. Some people will say themselve just change it, but for them is not so easy. They have sometimes low self-confidence, sometimes they are just unhappy and afraid to talk about it. Sometimes they just need a little bit thing trough it. 
Most of the time I am afraid of big steps in my life. I mean it. I am 26 and I do not have stable relationship, I do not have work, I do not have apartment, kids, money, and so on. But it is ok. Because sometimes all we need is just relax a little bit. Sometimes we are too much for ourself. Of course when I was younger I told to myself I will be already marry at this age and have a house and good work and I will be happy. The thing is that I am happy, I just did not reach all things I wish for. And in one point it was hard to bear myself. So what? Life give us every day new opportunity and I love to sit at afternoon with great cup of tea and tell myself for what I am thanksfull. It is just small way how to say to myself it is ok to do not have all the things you plan. It is perfectly ok to fail. It is perfectly ok to feel sad, tired or whatever, but it is not ok to feel like that becuase you have feel it is your personal failing! Sometimes we fail, so we could success in something else, something better, bigger and most probably in something which will make us more happy!
Think about it, go trough it and love it!
Amanda Poetry


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